'Tis the Season for Foot Fungus and Dog Meat Stew

Busan, South Korea

July 9, 1987
Class and I sent one package. Went to get my shoes but they weren't what I wanted plus they were big. We'll see. I went and had 보신탕. I bought some 무좀약. It stung worse than anything in the world.

July 10
Class and down to Daeshin to get some papers documented and then to have some 보신탕 and evening class. Tomorrow to KBS and no more plans.

July 11
In the morning to KBS and back. I had planned to go golfing and then go play at the Bistro but on the way to the green net driving range I met Lee Me Ja. She offered to buy me a drink so I accepted. I offered to take her to a movie, she accepted. Then we had dinner. We saw 안개기둥. The sound was terrible. My Korean is very poor. I should practice, study, and concentrate... Only about 6 hours with a student I hardly know. It was fun though.

July 13
Mr. Shin's mother is very sick. Lung cancer. That's too bad. Today to Wendy's.

July 14
Class and the Bistro alone. I saw some rad videos. Class and no Han Mi Hap Dong. I called Carrie. It was a mistake to get involved. I almost feel a little used to aloneness. I ate 주물럭* alone today.

*Jumulleok (주물럭), beef short steaks marinated with sesame oil.

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